Whilst for some the falling leaves, shorter evenings and cooling temperatures simply herald the change of season we experience here in the UK, for those suffering with SAD it can signify months of misery.
Less sunlight and shorter days are thought to be linked to a chemical change in the brain and may be part of the cause of SAD. Melatonin, a sleep-related hormone, has also been linked to SAD. The body naturally makes more melatonin when it's dark. So, when the days are shorter and darker, more melatonin is made.
If you suffer from SAD you may experience the following symptoms
· Increased sleep and daytime drowsiness
· Loss of interest and pleasure in activities formerly enjoyed
· Social withdrawal and increased sensitivity to rejection
· Irritability and anxiety
· Feelings of guilt and hopelessness
· Fatigue, or low energy level
· Decreased sex drive
· Decreased ability to focus or concentrate
· Trouble thinking clearly
· Increased appetite, especially for sweets and carbohydrates
· Weight gain
· Physical problems, such as headaches
(The symptoms of SAD may look like other mental health conditions. Please see your GP before seeking therapy.)
Solution focused hypnotherapy focuses on the thought process that cause or contribute to a range of emotional disorders, including Seasonal Affective Disorder. The approach encourages new and more positive though pathways and can stimulate the production of serotonin, an important factor in the onset and subsequent management of this disorder. Through guided imagery as well as suggestion, solution focused hypnotherapy helps people to change aspects of their behaviour and refocus their thoughts in more positive ways, creating a more relaxed and content state of mind. In doing so, it can help to counteract symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Clients are often relieved to learn that there are different ways that the symptoms of SAD can be managed and they can actually enjoy the techniques which enable them to focus on the positive aspects of their lives.
Contact me for more information on this or any other disorder: Rachel 07876642230